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Westerford High School – Excellence Awards

Westerford High School was invited by our National Minister of Basic Education, Ms Angie Motsheka, to attend the 2016 National Education Excellence Awards Ceremony to be held at the Presidential Guest House in Pretoria on Friday 1 April 2016.

At this prestigious function Westerford was honoured in two categories.

Firstly, in the category “Top performing Public School” Westerford was place second behind joint winners Eunice Secondary School in Bloemfontein and Danville Park Girls’ School in Durban, with Rustenburg Girls’ in third place. I believe this is based on the 2015 NSC results.

Secondly, we received a “Ministerial Award (2011-2015)”. This award, as we understand, is a special award to just one school, Westerford, for outstanding NSC results based on matric pass rate, matric Bachelors pass rate, results in Mathematics and results in Physical Science taken over the five year period 2011 to 2015.

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